15th Apr 2024


I am honoured to have been elected as President-Elect of BAHNO, the British Association of Head & Neck Oncologists.

 What make the vote even more special is that it is the first time an Oncologist has been elected to the role in the 57-year history of the association.

The position of President-Elect, succeeding to President in 2025, is decided by a vote of members, who include a wide variety of professions in the Head & Neck field.

Some 50% of eligible BAHNO members voted in the election.

Established in 1967 as the Association of Head and Neck Oncologists of Great Britain, the organisation was formed to encourage discussion and share knowledge between various clinical and research specialities involved in the management of head and neck cancer.

The name was changed to the British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists in 1995, and it is affiliated to the European Head and Neck Society (EHNS).


 Although BAHNO has strong links with relevant individual medical and paramedical specialty associations, it is the only multi-disciplinary professional group representing the interests of head and neck cancer clinicians and patients in the UK.

BAHNO currently has just under 500 members who include ear, nose and throat surgeons; mouth, jaw and face surgeons; plastic surgeons; pathologists; research scientists; clinical oncologists; radiographers; restorative dentists; specialist nurses; dietitians; and speech and swallowing therapists.

For more information about Prof Nutting's work please visit the CV page, get in touch or arrange a consultation.